Via Augusta represents one of the most important roads of the Roman era in the Mediterranean. Stretching nearly 1.500 km, it crossed the Peninsula from north to south, being part of the complex network of roads used by the Romans for communications purposes and for spreading Roman culture to the different colonised populations. And, naturally, like all roads, this one also led to Rome.
The milestones or columns found in Lorca (called Eliocroca by the romans) confirm that the Via Augusta passed through this district. The original milestones can be seen at the Lorca Municipal Archaeological Museum together with other objects related with the Roman culture that represent part of the outstanding cultural heritage of this town.
Because of its historical importance, Via Augusta has been included in the Ecotourist Itinerary Network of the Region of Murcia as an itinerary of cultural and environmental interest, which passes through part of the region of Lorca with its wide variety of landscapes: going from Cejo de los Enamorados to the plains of Campo de Lorca along the Rivers Guadalentin and Cornejos / Vélez.
This initiative is still in its early stages and is to be developed in phases. Although it is a trail that can be walked in its entirely, the first phase of its preparation will focus on the stretch between the town of Lorca and Puentes Dam.
During the following phases of this project signposts will be erected and other features installed along the trail.